- おはようございます 今日は教員研修で本厚木駅前の神奈川工科大ITエクステンションセンターに一日監禁です。 前回は宿泊、しかも電波届かない場所だったので、はるかに楽、なはず。 07:38:37
- 相模線や相鉄は絶対座れるので勉強は捗るよねえ。 08:58:57
- Certaines vues de la direction universitaire de la station Sobudaishita http://t.co/uy4UYSMoSS 09:10:24
- docomoでiPhone? MVMOでSIMフリーで月500円が相場なのに何かこれ以上メリットあるのかな?LTEカバーエリアとか? っていうかいつまでもスマホの時代じゃないよね。サムソンだって時計出してるのに。日の丸メーカーの切り捨てが仇にならなきゃいいけど。 09:40:38
- So, let’s discuss about why we must describe about risks of Fukushima’s leak for Olympic candidate city. I’m positive for Olympic but not so 22:57:28
- The media must ask why it has references for candidate city. And promotors must describe in scientific contexts. It needs critical thinking. 22:59:23
- If Japanese side just says “it’s safe!”, it sounds like TEPCO as seen before. If the promotor says “No, candidate is Tokyo, not Fukushima”, 23:02:08
- It also sounds poor responsibility, because Japan says “we are concentrating to fix the pb” but we do execute Olympic. it’s a paradox. 23:04:04
- Each Japanese should think about “what is safe, what is risk” during this discussion. We are still safe in the other side of Fukushima. But 23:05:58
- Everyone want to eat Sushi safely. If we could see a risk once, we cannot forget it until we can understand in logic. 23:08:20
- If we lose Olympic candidate in this year, Japan will not be chosen as Olympic city anymore. People determine Fukushima as a negative thing. 23:15:49
- If IOC decides Tokyo, it needs a reason why it is safer than Madrid or Istanbul. 23:18:14
- As before we have experienced, we do effort to forget bad thing to resurge from it. We should concede its positive and negative effects. 23:23:14
- If Japanese describes only the sunny part, it will fail. It’s not fair in the international sense. Olympic must be so fair by sportsmanship. 23:29:07
- “Japan has handy cap, disability, but they can do it and the fairness efforts move the entire world”, it is the heart we must describe now. 23:33:03
- 日本語訳いる? 23:33:58
- @istanbul2020olympics promotes Islamic piece, Why @Tokyo2020jp silents Fukushima? in reply to o_ob 23:47:12
- 日本は今年、金メダルが必要なんだ。 それはお金のためじゃない。 福島原発事故のハンディを永遠に再起不能の悪事にされないためにも、隠蔽するのではなく、今、裏も表も掲げた公正さで世界に全力でメッセージを発しなければ、負け方が悪すぎる。スポーツマンシップに反する! #Tokyo2020 23:56:37