SPAMやフィッシングについてのBlogを書いているせいか 「これってフィッシング?」なんて相談を受けることもある今日この頃。 今日は自分自身判断に困るメールが届きました。 Springerというのは学術書籍の有名な会社で、日本ではオーム社と提携している。 国際会議なんかのプロシーディングを引き受けていて、確かに私も著者になったことがある。 しかしよく見ると だし。 …って全然ちがうじゃん、URL。 (怖いことに連絡先住所はあっている) 私のメールアドレスを手に入れて、著者だろうがそうでなかろうが、ってことで送りつけたんだろうか? せめて名前ぐらい入っていて「Prof.」とか「Dr.」とか付いてれば信じたかもしれないが。 ちなみにこのメールは見た目はテキストだが、実はHTMLメールで、トラッキング用の「見えない外部画像タグ」まで張られていた。 これについてはついうっかり踏んでしまった。最低。 そもそもSpringerがかかわる国際会議はやたらと参加費が高騰するので(たぶん印刷代が高すぎる)、嫌いなんだよね。 無視無視、無視決定! —- SpringerAlerts on Online Journal Archives, December 2005 Visit us at Dear Springer Author, Springer is pleased to introduce the new Online Journal Archives database. Now, access to the previously hard to find works of countless scientists and authors are just a few mouse clicks away. We offer a total of 1.8 million archive records comprising approximately 1,200 journals. —————————— Added Benefits for Researchers —————————— Scientific researchers will now have ready access to Nobel Prize winning articles and to the research these articles have impacted, together with an open gateway to documentation of chronicled scientific evolution and information. Some date as far back as 1869. Through SpringerLink’s advanced functionality, researchers will be able to retrieve information from the 19th to the 21st century. This makes search results more efficient and productive and saves valuable research time. —————————————————— Valuable Historical Information Now At Your Fingertips —————————————————— Works will be fully searchable by keyword, publication or article title, and will include HTML title/author abstracts information and XML references. With a link to the archive from a current journal page and integrated cross-searching, you’ll be able to easily obtain the results you need. —————– Check Your Access —————– Check out today if you have access through your institution or recommend this excellent service to your librarian. Alternatively, you can also use the SpringerLink pay-per-view option and read and download articles on an individual basis. Best regards, Katja Oechel Global Marketing Manager Springer P.S. For access to ALL of Springer’s electronic content please visit ———————– Online Journal Archives ———————– Bringing Yesterday’s Masters to Today’s Minds ———————————————————— This email has been sent to (my mail address) You are receiving this e-mail because you are registered with SpringerAlerts. If you would not like to receive further information on Springer’s publishing program in your interest field, please use this link: mail address)&mid=1757275727&cid=22352684199 For all enquiries, problems or suggestions regarding this service, please contact [email protected] Interested in receiving timely table of contents alerts for Springer journals in your interest area? Go to and sign-up today! Springer-Verlag GmbH Heidelberg, Tiergartenstrasse 17, 69121 Heidelberg, Germany, phone: +49 6221 487 0, fax: +49 6221 487 8366 Springer respects your privacy and does not disclose, sell or rent your personal information to any nonaffiliated third parties without your consent. Please visit our Springer Privacy Statement c Copyright Springer 2005