*** ISMAR 2007 Call for Papers/Posters/Workshops  
*** 6th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality  
*** Tue, Nov. 13 to Fri, Nov. 16, 2007  
*** Nara-Ken New Public Hall at Nara, Japan  
*** [http://www.ismar07.org/](http://www.ismar07.org/)  

==         ALL ONLINE SUBMISSIONS DUE         ==  
==  Friday, June 1, 9pm US Pacific Time Zone. ==  

*** AIMS AND SCOPE ***  

Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR) allow the creation of  
fascinating new types of user interfaces, and are beginning to show  
significant impact on industry and society. The field is highly  
interdisciplinary, bringing together signal processing, computer vision,  
computer graphics, user interfaces, human factors, wearable computing,  
mobile computing, computer networks, displays, sensors, to name just some  
of the most important influences. MR/AR concepts are applicable to a wide  
range of applications.  

Since 1998, ISMAR and its forerunner events have been the premier forums in  
this vital field ([http://www.augmented-reality.org/iwar/](http://www.augmented-reality.org/iwar/)). This year we are proud to  
present the 6th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented  
Reality (ISMAR 2007). The symposium will be held on Nov. 13-16, 2007, in  
historical Nara, Japan. We invite you all to participate in this great  
event for the exchange of new ideas in this exciting field!  


ISMAR07 invites submissions in the general field of Mixed and Augmented  
Reality. Topics include, but are not limited to:  

MR/AR applications  
* personal MR/AR information systems  
* industrial and military MR/AR applications  
* medical MR/AR applications  
* MR/AR for entertainment  
* MR/AR for architecture  
* MR/AR for art, cultural heritage, or education and training  

* position and orientation tracking technology  
* calibration methods  
* sensor fusion  
* vision-based registration and tracking  
* acquisition of 3D scene descriptions  

System architecture  
* wearable and mobile computing  
* distributed and collaborative MR/AR  
* display hardware  
* performance issues (real-time approaches)  

User interaction  
* interaction techniques for MR/AR  
* collaborative MR/AR  
* multimodal input and output  

Information presentation  
* real-time rendering  
* photorealistic rendering  
* object overlay and spatial layout techniques  
* aural, haptic and olfactory augmentation  
* mediated and diminished reality  
* display and view management  

Human factors  
* usability studies and experiments  
* acceptance of MR/AR technology  
* social implications  

Submission deadline: June 1, 9pm PST  
Acceptance notification: August 17  
Camera ready due: September 14  
Conference dates: November 13-16  


The ISMAR 2007 Organizing Committee is recruiting student volunteers for   
various supporting roles during the conference. Detailed information can be  
found at the conference website:  

Interested students should send an application to the student volunteer  
chair via email:  

Tomohiro Kuroda  

Application opening: July 1, 2007  
Application deadline: Aug 31, 2007  
Acceptance notification: Sep 14, 2007  


General Chairs  
 Haruo Takemura, Osaka University, Japan, takemura[at]cmc.osaka-u.ac.jp  

Program Chairs  
Tom Drummond, University of Cambridge, UK, twd20[at]eng.cam.ac.uk  
Hirokazu Kato, Osaka University, Japan, kato[at]sys.es.osaka-u.ac.jp  
Mark A. Livingston, Naval Research Laboratory, USA, markl[at]ait.nrl.navy.mil  

Area Chairs  
Ron Azuma, HRL Laboratories, USA  
Oliver Bimber, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany  
Steve Feiner, Columbia University, USA  
Hong Hua, University of Arizona, USA  
Yoshinari Kameda, University of Tsukuba, Japan  
Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Osaka University, Japan  
Gudrun Klinker, TU Munich, Germany  
Vincent Lepetit, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland  
David Mizell, Cray Inc., USA  
Hideo Saito, Keio University, Japan  
Dieter Schmalstieg, Graz University of Technology, Austria  
Bruce Thomas, University of South Australia, Australia  

ISMAR steering committee  
Ron Azuma, HRL Laboratories, USA  
Reinhold Behringer, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK  
Mark Billinghurst, HITLabNZ, New Zealand  
Steve Feiner, Columbia University, USA  
Gudrun Klinker, TU Munich, Germany  
David Mizell, Cray Research, USA  
Stefan Mueller, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany  
Nassir Navab, TU Munich, Germany  
Ulrich Neumann, University of Southern California, USA  
Jannick Rolland, University of Central Florida, USA  
Dieter Schmalstieg, Graz University of Technology, Austria  
Didier Stricker, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany  
Haruo Takemura, Osaka University, Japan  
Hideyuki Tamura, Ritsumeikan University, Japan  
Naokazu Yokoya, Nara Institute of Science & Technology, Japan  

*** SPONSORS ***  

Conference sponsors:  
IEEE, ACM and VRSJ (Virtual Reality Society of Japan)  

In cooperation with (tentative):  
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers  
The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers  
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  
Human Interface Society  
The Robotics Society of Japan  

If you have any further questions about submissions, contact  

* Tom Drummond  
* Hirokazu Kato  
* Mark A. Livingston  
ISMAR 2007 Program Co-Chairs  

複合現実感国際会議ISMAR 07の発表論文募集のご案内  

複合現実感分野で最も権威のある国際会議 ISMAR が,  

ISMAR は,当学会複合現実感研究委員会が主催したISMRと,欧米のISARが  

ISMAR 03 が東京で開催されて以来,4年振りに日本に帰ってくる ISMAR に,  

 主催 当学会複合現実感研究委員会 / IEEE  
 会場 奈良県新公会堂  
 会期 11月13日(火)〜11月16日(金)  
 論文投稿締切 6月1日(金)  
 ホームページ [http://www.ismar07.org/](http://www.ismar07.org/)  

Akihiko Shirai, Ph.D
Invited Researcher
Presence & Innovation Laboratory ENSAM France
