先日、フランスの友人から頂いたARカードゲーム「Dokeo+」のソフトウェア構成について気になったので覗いてみた。 DFusionのARPlayer、かなりの数のオープンソースで構成されている。 かなりの数のオープンソースプロジェクトが組み込まれている。ライセンス大丈夫なんだろうか?(文末に詳細)シナリオ部分はLUAで書かれている。 先日紹介したDFusionのARPlayer、かなりの数のオープンソースで構成されている D’Fusion @Home Desktopはフランス企業TOTAL IMMERSION社の製品で、satch.jpに日本語化マニュアルが置かれている。 http://satch.jp/jp/guide/manual_dfusion_1_index.html D’FusionはSATCHの構成要素なのね。 以下、D’Fusionに含まれていたThirdPartyLicense.rtfより冒頭部分を抜粋。大変参考になる。 (読みやすさのために改行を削除しています) —- D’Fusion Third Party Software LicensesContentThis section contains copyright notices, licenses, and/or acknowledgements as requested or required by various third party software providers whose software is used in TOTAL IMMERSION D’Fusion products. D’Fusion products use the following third party software:• Ogre3D• OpenAL• ODE• Autodesk FBX support• Autodesk Maya SDK• Sony VISCA support• MTParser• FFMPEG• OPAL• PWLib• TinyXML• NewMath• 3D Tracking• 3D Planar Tracking• FAST Corner Detection • OpenCV• Intel Integrated Performance Primitives• libJasper• LibJpeg• libPng• libTiff• zlib• CxImage• MD5• UPX• OpenSSL• CyberX3D• OggVorbis• Boost• LZMAOgre3DDepending on purchased options, D’Fusion products may use Ogre3D library which is covered by the LPGL license (http://www.ogre3d.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=65).From the Ogre3D distribution:Ogre is licensed under the GNU Lesser Public License (LGPL). This basically means that you can get the full source code for nothing, nada, zip. There is such a thing as a free lunch.Under the LGPL you may use Ogre for any purpose you wish, as long as you:1. Release any modifications to the OGRE source back to the community2. Pass on the source to Ogre with all the copyrights intact3. Make it clear where you have customised it. The above is a precis, please read the full license agreement before downloading any source.I realise the license is complicated, so lets extract a couple of the most important points out of it:1. Because OGRE is dynamically linked, anything you use it in is not a derived work and thus you can license your own software under any license you choose; the LGPL does not ‘infect’ your software.2. If you choose to change this, and make OGRE statically linked (we don’t support this, but it’s possible), your work becomes a derived work of OGRE and is covered by the LGPL too. You must either release your source, or include linkable object files of your work if you do this, so it’s not recommended. 3. The license mentions ‘inlining’ as potentially making the software using it a derived work; however this is mostly an issue for libraries which mostly comprise headers, like template libraries. Inlining in OGRE is entirely for performance and is a small part of the whole, and therefore any inlining of OGRE headers does not constitute a derived work (so point 1 still applies).If you use Ogre it would be nice if you would display the Ogre logo somewhere in your application (start up or shutdown) for a few seconds. This splash-screen is displayed on the standard Ogre configuration dialog anyway, so if you use that you don’t need to do anything extra. The logo is included in the download archive as Samples\Media\ogrelogo.png. You don’t have to do this under the conditions of the LGPL, but it would be appreciated.Using OGRE for commercial projects Commercial products can be made using Ogre with no limitations other than the ones listed above. Previously OGRE was licensed under the GPL which required you to release the source code to all of your project (not just the modifications you made to OGRE) which put some people off using it. We had intended to release OGRE under a commercial license in parallel with the GPL for closed-source projects(to give people an incentive to try to use the GPL) but the reality of dealing with all the contractual / legal issues, coupled with the fact that we’re all doing this in our spare time eventually convinced us to just license under the LGPL instead. OpenALDepending on purchased options, D’Fusion products may use OpenAL library which is covered by the LPGL license (http://www.openal.org/platforms.html).From the OpenAL distribution…