
Laval Virtual内の国際学会VRICのCFPが研究室(ENSAM P&I)のエブリン・クリン ガーから届きましたのでご紹介。 彼女はサイバーセラピーが主な研究分野なんだけど、 今年は「Virtual Humans in Psychological Science and Therapy: How, When and Why?」というシンポジウムを開催するようですね。 なお学会開催は4/22-24です(Laval Virtualは一般公開があるので26まで)。 http://www.laval-virtual.org/ もちろんデモ公募セッション「ReVolution」も投稿受付中です(2009/1/2〆切)。 http://www.laval-virtual.org/revolution/ ■mixiコミュ「Laval Virtual」 http://mixi.jp/view_bbs.pl?id=36715986&comm_id=608707

—- Subject: Laval Virtual-VRIC 2009: Symposium Virtual Humans in Psychological Science and Therapy: Call for Papers Laval Virtual - VRIC09 International Conference April 22-24, 2009 (6 symposiums) SYMPOSIUM 4, April 23, 2009 Virtual Humans in Psychological Science and Therapy: How, When and Why? - Third annoucement http://www.laval-virtual.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=111&Itemid=207 GENERAL INFORMATION - Accepted papers will be published in the printed proceedings of the VRIC conference. - Conference best papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting (http://www.jvrb.org/). - Moreover, you are invited to introduce your work and win a Laval Virtual Award (see below)! CALL FOR PAPERS: IMPORTANT DATES - Online papers submission opens November 30, 2008 - Submission of full papers January 19, 2009 - For more information about the Call for Paper, please visit the conference website : http://www.laval-virtual.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=59&Itemid=111 TOPIC (see pdf file in attach) Virtual humans are beginning to take a more active role in psychological science and practice. They can represent, totally or partially, the user (avatar) or other people (humanoids) in the virtual environment. The possibility to implement virtual humans leads to the investigation of innovative concepts, enriching research and applications in psychological science, therapy and rehabilitation. These concepts include: - Representation (whole body or body segments, mirror image); - Role of the virtual humans (body image, mental imagery, teacher, emotion induction, etc); - Viewpoint (first person, third person, bird’s eye); - Social interactions; Multiple users (several patients, patient-therapist); - Technical aspects (images, videos, 3D); Realism of the virtual environments, etc. Using virtual humans also raises significant challenges, such as: - the realism of their physical appearance, - their gestures and facial expressions, their behaviors - and their interaction with the user. In sum, the Symposium Program Committee invites presentations on that flourishing research area. During the symposium, presenters from multiple disciplines will help to clarify how, when and why we should aim to use virtual humans in psychological science and therapy. Keywords: Psychological Science, Therapy, Rehabilitation, Virtual Reality, Virtual humans, Representation, Role, Viewpoint, Realism, Gestures, Facial expressions, Social interaction, Multiple Users KEYNOTE Our Keynote lecturer wil be Prof. Ste’phane BOUCHARD, Director of the Laboratoire de Cyberpsychologie, University of Quebec in Outaouais, Gatineau, Quebec Canada. AWARDS Professionals, researchers, introduce your work and win a Laval Virtual Award! http://www.laval-virtual.org/awards/

CONTACT Evelyne Klinger ([email protected]), Scientific Chair of the Symposium Arts et Me’tiers ParisTech Angers - HIT Team - PI Lab Laval - 4 rue de l’Ermitage, 53000 Laval - France Phone/Fax : (33) 2 43 56 79 94 We are definitely looking forward to meeting you personally at Laval Virtual 2008. Evelyne Klinger (Main Chair), Skip Rizzo (co-chair), Simon Richir (Director) and the Symposium’s Committee Program Laval Virtual 11th International Conference on Virtual Reality http://www.laval-virtual.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=32&Itemid=110