ここ数年、Laval Virtualをきっかけにして、日仏を留学する学生交換を中心に学術交流が盛んになってきています。 現在、私の所属していたENSAMから、JAIST宮田研にVincent君というカメルーン人の学生が5月よりインターンシップにきています。 ワールドカップ開催直前の東京に単身で、現金もほとんども持たずに入国し、持ち前の明るさとガッツで、ビザをとるのも一苦労、 JAISTのある金沢まで無事にたどり着けるか、というなかなか楽しませてくれる学生で、IVRCに出場するのを楽しみにして、またJAISTでの留学から米国での博士課程留学を狙う、明日のカメルーンのデジタルコンテンツを背負ってたつような人物です。 しかしながら、昨日、悲劇が彼の家族を襲いました。彼の実兄Babylasさんが通勤中に、反対方向から来た居眠り運転の車に正面衝突され、お亡くなりになったそうです。 —-本日いただいたVincent君からのメール—- From: Vincent de paul ATANGANA EKANI Date: 2010/7/5 Subject: Thanks for all To: Akihiko SHIRAI, Kazunori Miyata , Simon Richir Hi Miyata Sensei, Akihiko Sensei, Prof. Simon RICHIR, there are some events in life that are very ruthless.I must admit ,that this it's my first time to feel a paintful sense like this.Amplifier by the fact that I'm away from my family. He died on the car accident on the highway while he was going at work.Head-on collision with a car coming in the opposite direction with the driver asleep .None of them have survived to the accident. Babylas it was called and was to celebrate his 30 th birthday in November. However I must be strong and overcome this tragic event. Miyata Sensei put me in touch with Professor Jason Leigh of The University of Chicago, so I can apply for a PhD in his department.And the deadline for the application is before July 15 th, but for my case exceptionally it's August 15 th. And i have the obligation to send also my TOEFL result. Unfortunately for me, the date that was conducive to my situation is July 24 th in Osaka, because it would take two weeks to get the results. According to my parents, the funeral should take place the next week .So a trip to Cameroon, would not allow me to have enough time to prepare for this exam. Also I direct a project in the laboratory of Miyata Sensei, whose report must be submitted at the July 16th at last.And I would neither disappoint him and Prof. Simon Richir who has confidence in me. I am very touched by this outburst of affection, which puts even more admiration for Japanese culture and especially for you Sensei Akihiko, and you Sensei Miyata. I would like to attend the funeral, but just after I could not fulfill my academic requirements, and all that why I fight so have been for nothing. I will pray that his soul rest in peace,send a wreath, and wait for my possible return to Cameroon after my defense in France, to do him homage. But it's hard! very hard!!! -- Best regards Vincent de Paul ATANGANA EKANI Japan Advanced Institute of Science and technology 1-8,Asahidai,Nomi,Ishikawa,923-1211 Japan ---- Vincent君とご家族に、お悔やみ申し上げます。 留学中の学生を抱える家族というのは、非常に心配の毎日です。 また留学・海外赴任の本人も、祖国に残してきた親兄弟の健康、そして何かあったときにそばにいられない、ということは覚悟の上で日々を勉学や仕事に打ち込んでいる人がほとんどです。 LavalやIVRCをきっかけに世界に目を向ける、また海外で見知らぬ人々にお世話になった人も多いかと思います。 こころばかりではありますが、弔慰金を集めたいと思います(7月7日正午一次締切予定)。 集めたお金は本人を経由して、彼の家族に届けたいとおもいます。
【弔慰金受付ページはこちら】 http://bit.ly/cpkT7W
■交通事故で兄を失ったカメルーンからの留学生Vincent君にむけた弔慰金募集 http://bit.ly/cpkT7W